Course Overview
Understand the role of technology in art
Remember hardware/software and basic computer skills used in digital design
Remember careers relevant for digital designers
Understand intellectual property guidelines in digital design
Understand the use of artistic design techniques
Understand the elements and principles of design
Understand various composition techniques
Understand the production cycle
Apply 2D artistic techniques using digital tools
Understand techniques used to edit and create bitmap graphics
Understand techniques used to edit and create vector graphics
Understand digital video editing techniques
Apply 2D artistic techniques to create original portfolio pieces
Apply 3D artistic and animation techniques using digital tools
Understand basic animation techniques
Apply animation techniques to create a short animated feature
Understand transformations in Cartesian space
Apply procedures to produce 3D models
Apply portfolio development and professionalism
Understand how to document the design process and present an artistic point of view
Apply procedures to create an online portfolio of student work