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Learn about the selection tools

Mountain Composite

Inside Photoshop:

Student Examples


Students will select & mask each layer and arrange arrange them so that they look like the image above.

Photoshop (for PCs & Macs only)

  1. File>New>Web>Web Large (1920 x 1080 px)Name: Last, First_Mountain Composite

  2. Place each image into the projectFile>Place Embedded>Select image
    Repeat for each image

  3. Select "Sky" layerWith the move tool selected, choose "align top edges" (in the control panel)

  4. Select & mask the sky from the planet imageuse the "elliptical marquee" (in the marquee tool dropdown within the tool panel, [second from the top])

    Hold shift while clicking and dragging to match the height and width of the planetHolding "Shift" will create a circle rather than elliptical selections
    While dragging the mouse, Align the edges of the selection to the planet by holding "spacebar" and then release your mouse
    In the layers panel, change the blending mode from "normal" to "overlay"

  5. Select the mountains & mask out the sky for the background, middle ground & foreground layers
    Use the quick select tool to paint the sky (the 'marching ants' let you know which area is selectedHold Shift: To add to your selection
    Hold Option/Alt: To subtract from your selection

    Inverse your selection(this will select everything but the sky)Hold "Command/Control" + "Shift" + I (as in "inverse")
    Or, Select> Inverse

  6. Arrange layers like shown in image
    Middleground needs to be duplicated and displayed on the left and right of image
    Do one of the following:Hold "Option/Alt" and drag the layer up or down
    Right-click/ control-click on the layer and click "duplicate layer"> click "ok"
    Move each middle ground layer to a side

  7. Create a new layer that sits above all other layers
    Create a radial gradientClick on the gradient tool (within the paint bucket dropdown [12 down from the top])

    Click the gradient in the control panel
    Create 4 colors:
    Left-most color:Hex: fbf2fc
    Position: 0

    Center Left color:Hex: e4d2f1
    Position: 20

    Center Right color:Hex: 689bdc
    Position: 50

    Right-most color:Hex: 35436a
    Position: 100
    Click "radial" gradient (directly to the right of the gradient within the Control Panel)
    Click and drag from the center of the planet to the top of the mountains
    Set the blending mode to "overlay" and the opacity to "50"

  8. Save as a JPEGFile>Save As>Format: JPEG
    File Name: Last, First name_Mountain Composite

Photoshop Mix (for chromebook or phone users)

  1. Create new documentTitle: Mountain Composite
    Width: 1920
    Height: 1080

  2. Add new layer: Choose Sky layerAlign the sky layer to the top of the document

  3. Add new Layer: Choose Planet Layer
    Cut out the backgroundSelect "Cut Out" (at the bottom of the screen)
    Shape>Circle (on the menu to the left, at the bottom, choose the drop down to select different types of shapes)
    Click and drag (try to keep it circular)
    You can drag your selection on top of your planet
    Refine>Invert (at the bottom)

    Add new layer: Background Layer, Middleground, Foreground
    Cut out>SmartDraw on the sky to select everything but the mountains
    Repeat steps for each layer

    Note for Middle Ground Layer:Try your best to add/subtract to your selection (left menu)
    Refine>Edges>Fuzzy L

    Create Gradient that sits over every layerNot available on Mobile!

    Upload as a JPEG to CanvasFile Format: JPEG
    File Name: last, first name_Mountain Composite_mobile.jpg

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