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Video Tutorials

How Darren Aronofsky Movies Get Under Your Skin — Directing Styles Explained

How Darren Aronofsky Movies Get Under Your Skin — Directing Styles Explained

Darren Aronofsky’s Movies Ranked from Worst to Best ►► Darren Aronofsky's Directing Style ►► Black Swan mirror motif collection ►► The Wrestler real-world locations ►► Color Theory eBook ►► The Fountain center framing and close-ups ►► Creative Editing Techniques ►► StudioBinder Blog ►► Darren Aronofsky movies are about characters heading for destruction. They are either following a dream, a passion, a career or an addiction, but it all leads to the same place. Aronofsky isn’t the first director to tackle such dark themes but he has mastered extreme techniques that make his films stand alone. In films like Pi and Requiem for a Dream, Aronofsky redefines extreme cinema with arresting and aggressive techniques. In The Fountain and Noah, he pulls back on technique and allows a more graceful presentation of madness. The Wrestler and Black Swan become complementary movies about professions that demand physical transformations. For these films, Darren Aronofsky films abandon his aggressive formalism for a gritty and lo-fi aesthetic. Darren Aronofsky movies get under your skin and he uses every film element to make this happen. In this video, we’ve broken down Darren Aronofsky’s directing style into 7 categories including cinematography, editing, music, color, and more. By examining these elements in isolation, we can understand the big picture and begin to see what makes Aronofsky’s films so distinct and gripping. #mothermovie #filmmaking #darrenaronofsky — Music by Artlist ► Music by MusicBed ► — SUBSCRIBE to StudioBinder’s YouTube channel! ►► Looking for a project management platform for your filmmaking? StudioBinder is an intuitive project management solution for video creatives; create shooting schedules, breakdowns, production calendars, shot lists, storyboards, call sheets and more. Try StudioBinder for FREE today: — Join us on Social Media! — Instagram ►► Facebook ►► Twitter ►►
How Christopher Nolan Writes and Directs a Movie | The Director's Chair

How Christopher Nolan Writes and Directs a Movie | The Director's Chair

The Director's Chair: How to Write and Direct a Movie like Christopher Nolan ►► Understanding how Christopher Nolan movies work so well is to understand more than cinema or the ability to film in Imax. You’ve watched Interstellar, Insomnia, Dunkirk, and The Dark Knight Trilogy (Batman), and love the cinematic storytelling from this prolific director and filmmaker in general. It doesn’t hurt when you have a Hans Zimmer score too. But what's it like actually being in the Director's chair? Christopher Nolan movies like Memento and The Prestige reminds us, filmmakers, what cinema is all about, and film directing and editing has rarely been so good. Maybe you think best Christopher Nolan movies have Tom Hardy or Christian Bale in them - but the Dark Knight Rises movie had both… so that sort of disproves that theory. Directing films and cinema like Christopher Nolan takes years or practice and research into filmmaking. That’s why Christopher Nolan movies can take you on a deep journey, and this video essay will show you how he keeps everything consistent in his films. If you love Christopher Nolan movies, don’t write another page or direct another scene until you’ve seen our video essay. You don’t need a big Imax cinema to be able to make a film like Christopher Nolan. All you need is a good mind and hard work. Christopher Nolan editing techniques also come into play, so learn how he directs a movie that will eventually be cut together in a somewhat unconventional manner. The end result: You will know how to direct a movie like Christopher Nolan, and perhaps you will direct the next Dark Knight trilogy or Interstellar. Enter the Director's chair to find out exactly how Christopher Nolan directs and edits his movies. #filmmaking #christophernolan #thedarkknight — Original Christopher Nolan Interviews & Quotes: • Christopher Nolan: Self-Taught Filmmaker: • BAFTA Guru: Christopher Nolan on Directing: • Christopher Nolan - How to Be a Filmmaker: • Jack Howard: I Love Christopher Nolan: • Chris Nolan Talks BATMAN BEGINS on The Treatment: • VICE: Christopher Nolan on "Following" - Conversations Inside The Criterion Collection: • 18-Minute Analysis By Christopher Nolan On Story & Construction Of Memento: • Eyes on Cinema: 24-Minute documentary on Christopher Nolan's Memento (2000): • BBC Newsnight: Christopher Nolan: The full interview: • Memento - Interview with Christopher Nolan (2004): • Christopher Nolan, Al Pacino - Insomnia Interview (Part 1 of 2): • Christopher Nolan, Al Pacino - Insomnia Interview (Part 2 of 2): • Christopher Nolan on Dunkirk | Interview Special | Film4: — Music by Artlist ► Music by Soundstripe ► Music by Music Vine ► Music by MusicBed ► — SUBSCRIBE to StudioBinder’s YouTube channel! ►► Looking for a project management platform for your filmmaking? StudioBinder is an intuitive project management solution for video creatives; create shooting schedules, breakdowns, production calendars, shot lists, storyboards, call sheets and more. Try StudioBinder for FREE today: — Join us on Social Media! — Instagram ►► Facebook ►► Twitter ►►
Wes Anderson Explains How to Write & Direct Movies | The Director's Chair

Wes Anderson Explains How to Write & Direct Movies | The Director's Chair

Wes Anderson's Style ►► Production Design Worksheet ►► Making Short Films ►► The StudioBinder Blog ►► Do you want to learn the secrets of Wes Anderson filmmaking style? Everyone knows that Wes Anderson movies generate lots of buzz, like his new film The French Dispatch. His unique filmmaking and directing style attract the biggest movie stars like Bill Murray, Ed Norton, and Bruce Willis. He's teamed up with Owen Wilson and Luke Wilson for years, and while their writing definitely contributes, what can you learn from Wes Anderson interviews or Wes Anderson quotes? What is so special about Wes Anderson cinematography or the Wes Anderson aesthetic? Wes Anderson's career may have begun with Bottle Rocket, but it truly took off after the success of his second feature film, Rushmore. Once the world was able to see films like The Royal Tenenbaums and then The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - his career skyrocketed. Wes Anderson went on to make The Darjeeling Limited, Moonrise Kingdom, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Isle of Dogs, and The Grand Budapest Hotel. In this episode of The Director's Chair, we take Wes Anderson interviews so that he can explain his unique style and dive into the Wes Anderson aesthetic. You'll get to hear Wes Anderson quotes that explain why Wes Anderson films are so effective. You'll see how Wes Anderson cinematography has helped to craft some of the greatest moments in cinema, and learn some film theory in our video essay portion. Then you'll get to see his filmmaking process so that you get a behind the scenes look at how he crafts that unique Wes Anderson aesthetic. Are you excited for the new Wes Anderson movie? Do you want to learn from arguably one of the most popular film directors working today? Then make sure to check out this film analysis video: The Director's Chair on Wes Anderson's filmmaking style and movies. #directing #filmmaking #filmtheory #videoessay #wesandersonmovies - Music by Artlist ► Music by Soundstripe ► Music by Music Vine ► Music by MusicBed ► - SUBSCRIBE to StudioBinder's YouTube channel! ►► Looking for a project management platform for your filmmaking? StudioBinder is an intuitive project management solution for video creatives; create shooting schedules, breakdowns, production calendars, shot lists, storyboards, call sheets and more. Try StudioBinder for FREE today: - Join us on Social Media! - Instagram ►► Facebook ►► Twitter ►►
Writing a Meet Cute — From Eternal Sunshine to La La Land, Romeo to Scott Pilgrim

Writing a Meet Cute — From Eternal Sunshine to La La Land, Romeo to Scott Pilgrim

Write a better Meet Cute ►► In this video essay and scene analysis, we’re going to go over some screenwriting techniques that will help you write your own meet cutes in any type of script or genre, whether it be a romantic comedy, romance movie, or really any kind of film. Meet cutes are a necessary component of every romantic film. They are mostly found in Romantic Comedies but they can be used in any genre. If you’re writing a script with romantic characters, you’ll need to know how to craft an effective first encounter. But how do you go about writing an original and engaging meet cute? In this video, we’ll analyze 4 different types of meet cutes based their mutual attraction, mutual repulsion, or any combination of the two. The PULL/ at first sight. The PUSH/PUSH...hate at first sight. The PULL/ is interested, one is not. The NEUTRAL/ is oblivious, the other is awkward. Our screenwriting tips come from some of the best romantic movies of all time, which include love at first sight in movies. You’ll learn romance writing for movies and television with this filmmaking and screenwriting video essay. We show you great meet cute examples from movies and scripts so you can learn these important screenwriting tips. When you understand the various elements that go into writing a meet cute, you’ve got a head start on creating something entertaining and true to the characters. The Rom-Com is a well-worn subgenre but there is always room for fresh and exciting perspectives. This video will help inspire and guide you to write the next great meet cute. #writing #screenwriting #meetcute #meet cute meaning — Music by Artlist ► Music by Soundstripe ► Music by Music Vine ► Music by MusicBed ► — SUBSCRIBE to StudioBinder’s YouTube channel! ►► Looking for a project management platform for your filmmaking? StudioBinder is an intuitive project management solution for video creatives; create shooting schedules, breakdowns, production calendars, shot lists, storyboards, call sheets and more. Try StudioBinder for FREE today: — Join us on Social Media! — Instagram ►► Facebook ►► Twitter ►►
How the Coen Brothers Shoot Insert Shots (Insert Shot Examples from The Big Lebowski)

How the Coen Brothers Shoot Insert Shots (Insert Shot Examples from The Big Lebowski)

Give your viewer more insight with an Insert Shot ►► An “insert shot” (AKA “insert”) is a shot that focuses on a specific detail within a scene. Inserts often involve an object or set of objects, often from a character's POV, but you can film inserts many different ways. In some cases, they can be filmed with a body double or even the second unit. Inserts are not one size fits all despite having such a general label. In this video, we’re going to analyze how to write, film, and edit insert shots by breaking down a number of important inserts in one of the greatest films of all time, The Big Lebowski, written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. Coen brother movies are so good we tend to forget how they do the little thing really well, and one of those simple things is the insert shot. We go over some important principles you need to keep in mind when planning, filming, and cutting your insert shots. They are: Composition Color Time Understanding how to craft inserts using these three aspects will allow you to build scenes more effectively because important scene details will be shown in a way that provides both clarity and an emotional context for how the information needs to be received. Insert shots may seem like a simple, quick thing you blaze through on set - but they are just as important as any other shot you will get. Don’t underestimate them. After you watch this video, you will have a better idea on how to go about planning, filming, and using your insert shots in your next film or project - just like the Coen brothers. #insertshotfilmmaking #bestthebiglebowskiscenes #coenbrothersmovies — Music by Artlist ► Music by Soundstripe ► Music by Music Vine ► Music by MusicBed ► — SUBSCRIBE to StudioBinder’s YouTube channel! ►► Looking for a project management platform for your filmmaking? StudioBinder is an intuitive project management solution for video creatives; create shooting schedules, breakdowns, production calendars, shot lists, storyboards, call sheets and more. Try StudioBinder for FREE today: — Join us on Social Media! — Instagram ►► Facebook ►► Twitter ►►
Creative Match Cut Examples & Editing Techniques for Your Next Shoot

Creative Match Cut Examples & Editing Techniques for Your Next Shoot

More Match Cut Examples ►► Match cuts are a great way to transition from scene to scene. But, they aren’t as simple to as one would hope, and the more complicated the transition, the more you need to plan. Our videos breaks down the different kinds of match cuts in film editing, and shows you some of the most successful match cut examples across multiple film eras. You’ll also learn about: Graphic Match Cuts Audio Match Cuts Movement Match Cuts We also go over the pass-by effect, which is a movement match cut used in many popular film and television shows running today. Don’t let this amazing film technique be left out of your next big project. When you finish this video, you will understand how match cuts completely transform your projects, and how much critics and fans alike love this cinematic technique. The end result: You will have smooth transitions that amaze your audience. #matchcut #matchcutexamples #filmeditingtechniques -- SUBSCRIBE to StudioBinder’s YouTube channel! ►► Looking for a project management platform for your filmmaking? StudioBinder is an intuitive project management solution for video creatives; create shooting schedules, breakdowns, production calendars, shot lists, storyboards, call sheets and more. Try StudioBinder for FREE today and see the difference: ––– Join us on Social Media! ––– Instagram ►► Facebook ►► Twitter ►►

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