Course Overview
The Advanced Studies prepares students for success in transitioning to postsecondary education and future careers. Students work under the guidance of a teacher with expertise in the content of the completer course in collaboration with community members, business representatives, and other school-based personnel. The four parts of the course include writing a research paper, producing a product, developing a portfolio, and delivering a presentation. Students demonstrate their abilities to use 21st century skills. Competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences.
Students are to select a topic that has application and implications within their career pathway and lends to performing a skill or producing a project. Guidelines for selecting the topic should be established by the teacher. The paper uses the acquisition of knowledge through researching, writing, interviewing, and synthesizing in conjunction with applying real-world skills of time management, organization, self-discipline, persistence, and problem solving. The recommended length of the paper should be 8 to 10 typed, double-spaced pages, with a minimum of five primary and secondary sources. Paper may include additional supporting documentation such as pictures, charts, graphs, etc.
The project is an appropriate and logical extension of a researchpaper. It demonstrates the application of acquired knowledge through a reflective, physical, and/or intellectual stretch. The project may reinforce real-world skills, such as decision-making, problem solving, and time management. Outside class work is required.
Portfolio *Need to Add*
The working portfolio consists of two types of evidence. One type of evidence includes the student's efforts, progress, and achievements during the entire time span of the course. Examples of this type of evidence are representative samples of work correlated to course competency goals, such as homework tasks, quizzes and tests, logs, written work, survey results, self-
A presentation must be delivered before a panel of evaluators or to an entry level CTE class. A question and answer period should follow the presentation.