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Pen Tool Challenge

Learn how to draw with the Pen Tool with this visual guide

Student Worksheet

Poster Design Worksheet.jpg

The Pen tool is the best tool in your illustrator toolbox. Once you have master this tool, it opens up so many different drawing possibilities to you. It allows you to create very simple shapes to very complex ones.


Let's start with The Bezier Game (Links to an external site.), the link is to the right. We will spend 1 hour on this game. The game is to help start you off with the fundamentals of creating basic shapes using the pen tool.


You simply follow the numbers and the instructions to complete the exercise. The point you need to aim at in each step is the center of each numbered colored dot. The top layer is the"working layer". This is the layer you'll be working on. Make sure your fill color is empty so you don't block the directions.

There are 3 different colors: blue, red and green.

  • The BLUE ones don't require any dragging, but involve clicking.

  • The RED ones, involve dragging, and sometimes a key needs to be pressed as well.

  • The GREEN ones also involve dragging, but this time dragging one of the handles of the anchor point you've just created, while holding down a key first (alt/option).

For more practice, I had added another follow the instructions worksheet called vector pen tool exercise.AI sheet and the Adobe Pen Tool Game.

Written Tutorial:

1.)Download these pen tool exercises to start this lesson on using the Pen Tool:

Pen Tool 1.png

Pen Tool2-02.png

Pen Tool 3.png

2.) Create a new document for each file.  The document size should be :

W: 600 px

H: 650 px

3.) Place image into new document:

In Adobe Illustrator: File > Place> Choose File

In Gravit:  File> Import> Choose file

4.) Create a new layer to work on [separate from the layer with the imported image].   Draw each step using a MAGENTA stroke

5.) When done with each page, export as a .PDF with the file name:  last, first name_Pen Tool 1.pdf  (change the number for the appropriate page)

6.) Submit on Canvas


Student Examples

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