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Glitch Art

Glitch Art

Inside Photoshop:

Student Examples


Using a photograph of you, or a portrait from, create a glitch art portrait using the tutorial below:

  • Your image should be 2400 px x 3000 px (or vice versa)

  • Rename your image to: glitch_last, firstname.jpg

  • Submit to Canvas

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" title="Glitch Effect Photoshop Tutorial" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Find and download a "film dust" texture here.


  1. File>

  2. Name: Name_glitch

  3. Width: 2400 px x 3000px

  4. Edit an image of your or find image from pexels.comLinks to an external site.

  5. Image> Adjustments> Desaturate

  6. Duplicate Layer: Do one of the following:

  7. Drag layer to new layer icon

  8. Hold Alt/Option on keyboard and drag layer up or down on layer panel

  9. Right-click> Duplicate Layer

  10. Offset color channels:

  11. Separate color channels into different layers:

  12. Click the (fx) icon in layer panel> Choose Blending Options

  13. Deselect Red Channel

  14. Use move tool (v) and hold shift to move layer to the left or right

  15. Offset image:  (offset a large portion & then thinner section for best results)

  16. Use the Rectangular marquee tool (m) to select an area

  • for best results have selection start from one side

  1. Use move tool (v) and hold shift to move layer to the left or right

  2. Deselect (d)

  3. Repeat

  4. Create Scanlines:

  5. Create new white layer (Command/Control + Backspace/Delete)

  6. Right-click layer> Convert to Smart Object

  7. Filter> Filter Gallery: Sketch

  8. Pattern Type: Lines

  9. Contrast: 50

  10. Create smaller lines (ex: 4)

  11. Adjust Blending Mode> Overlay

  12. Fill> 20%

  13. Add texture to the image:

  14. Download textures from online

  15. File> Place Embedded> Choose Texture

  16. Resize Image to fill document: Free Transform (Command/ Control + T)

  17. Adjust Blending Mode> Overlay

  18. Fill> 50%

  19. Add adjustment layers:

  20. Levels Adjustment:

  21. Move Shadows in (to darken blacks)

  22. Adjust Output bar to set dark point to dark gray

  23. Add Text Layer:

  24. Use the Text tool (t) and click and drag to create a text box

  25. write your name

  26. Write in all caps and hoose a bold font

  27. Confirm all changes

  28. Move Text layer below scanlines and texture layers

  29. Convert Text to an image layer

  30. Right-click Text layer> Rasterize Layer

  31. Duplicate Layer: Do one of the following:

  32. Drag layer to new layer icon

  33. Hold Alt/Option on keyboard and drag layer up or down on layer panel

  34. Right-click> Duplicate Layer

  35. Offset color channels:

  36. Separate color channels into different layers:

  37. Click the (fx) icon in layer panel> Choose Blending Options

  38. Deselect Blue & Green Channels

  39. Use move tool (v) and hold shift to move layer to the left or right

  40. Offset image: (offset a large portion & then thinner section for best results)

  41. Use the Rectangular marquee tool (m) to select an area

  • for best results have selection start from one side

  1. Use move tool (v) and hold shift to move layer to the left or right

  2. Deselect (d)

  3. Repeat

  4. Add an Outer Glow to text

  5. Click the (fx) icon in layer panel> Choose Blending Options

  6. Choose Outer Glow (on the left)

  7. Blending Mode: Normal

  8. Color: White

  9. Opacity: 100%

  10. Adjust size to produce subtle glow

  11. Repeat for Other Outer Glow Layer

  12. Save: (to edit again)

  13. File> Save As

  14. Choose File Location

  15. Format: Photoshop Document (.PSD)

  16. Export: (To share)

  17. File> Export> Export As

  18. Format: .JPG

  19. Export:

  20. Choose File Location

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